BVM Global School at Coimbatore inaugurated various clubs for the academic year 2018-2019 on 23rd June 2018. The Chief Guests were Dr. SelvaSekaraPandiyan an IT yan from Karunya University and Mr. KhajaMohideen a socio economic worker and founder of the trust “OruRoobayiloruUyir”
BVM Band group gave a warm welcome to the Chief Guest and Guest of honour of the day’sprogramme.
Our Principal Mrs.SyedaSarfraz and Vice Principal Mrs. SrilathaManikandan escorted the Chief Guests to the dias.The programme started at 10 a.m in the morning and the clubs such as Math, Literary, Science, Sports, Karuna, Fine Arts, Heritage, Scouts and Guides, Quiz and Horizon were inaugurated by the Chief Guests, our Principal, Vice Principal and Primary Co-ordinator. Each Club was introduced in a creative manner, the Secretaries of each club read their mission and vision. A short cultural programme was a visual treat and Chief Guests address was very motivating. The programme came to an end with the Head Boy’s Vote of thanks.