26th of January is a gala day for every Indian. On 26th Jan. 1950, the Constitution of India came into force and our country, India became the Republic. We celebrate this day as a festival every year. This year it was celebrated with pomp and show in our school by our primary children on 25th of January 2019. Each member of the school was soaked in hues of tri colour and their enthusiastic and joy knew no bounds as our school celebrated the sovereignty of the nation.
Our tiny tots of LKG sang a beautiful patriotic song. The blooming buds of UKG came up with a short speech and a song. The twinkling stars of Grade 1 dressed up as freedom fighters and spoke with confidence and patriotism. The high spirited Grade 2 children sang a patriotic song in Hindi which invoked the patriotic feeling in each one of us. Then came the Grade 4 students dancing on their foot for a melody and a peppy song. Grade 5 students performed a skit telling the importance of Republic day. The exuberant kids of Grade 3 took us through the program. Speeches was delivered by our primary students in various languages.